<aside> 💡 Design doc initially given by fizzd to Colon. Some stuff has been edited, lots was discussed in the group chat after, so this was just the starting document that kicked it off.


Latest File

**~~https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/738272239086075945/877247726692233338/The_90s_Decision.zip (18 Aug, Colon first VFX draft pulses/flashes)~~**

**~~https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/877474100501700640/877986130652438538/90s.zip (19 Aug, row movements and active row spotlighting)~~**

**~~https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/877474100501700640/878498065462480916/90s.zip (21 Aug, new assets + VFX tweaks + misc improvements. Placeholder BG)~~**

**~~https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/877474100501700640/880242788447424572/90s.zip (25 Aug, tutorial base + dialogue + scrolling BG)~~**


(26 Aug, bass drop adjustments + better ending + Edega's lovely back)

**https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/877474100501700640/882489887373266944/90s.zip (1 Sept, row reflections + skating sprites)**

Video (older without custom chars, 16 Aug):


Everything below is outdated now ——————————————————————————-

Story Breakdown

Just throwing out a starting idea, modify or throw away. But a cohesive plot that develops would be nice!

Since last week, this is all outdated, sorry kyle this doc was for Colon i didnt realise you were going to write based on it!!

The story is now more or less set in the tutorial! The muses are hungry and Buro isn't willing to share the donut she stole from Politician. She is chased by others throughout the level.