Here are magic settings to use. Thanks @RhythmEvan for the instructions.
All three of these things are different:
What is VSync
Vsync: stands for vertical synchronisation. Which might tells you... nothing
So let's start at the beginning. Your screen is made out of pixels, that are drawn line by line from top to bottom, that is vertically (one term down, one to go). It happens really fast, but it still takes sometime for your monitor to fully draw a complete screen ( a frame). Typically, 1/60th of a second, that's why an average monitor run at 60 frames per second fps.
When a game is graphically performant, that is it has been made in way that it does not ask too much work to be done by the graphics card, the graphics card can draw more that 60 frames. So fast, that it can draw another frame while the monitor has not finished to update the previous one! When that happens, you can have a mix of two frames drawn of the screen. And that can be a bit annoying, since it results in perceiving a horizontal line appearing randomly on the screen. This artifact is called Screen Tearing and can be avoided by Vertical Synchronization, which means that the graphics card will synchronize (second term down) with the monitor; it will wait until the monitor has finished with drawing the current frame before asking it to draw a new one.
What is vSyncCount in Unity
vSync of 1 will wait for every vBlank to start rendering the next frame. 2 will wait every second vBlank. And 0 won't wait at all.
Most monitors have a frequency of 60hz, that's 60 refreshes per second. Since the vBlank is what's in between the screen refreshes, that's 60 vBlanks per second.
So a vSync of 1 will attempt to render at 60fps, once for every refresh.
A vSync of 2 is saying we're targeting 30 fps, once for every other refresh (every inbetween refresh is just going to display the previous frame, a second time).
Triple Buffering is Not in Unity